Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter is coming...

So...since the last time I posted...

I visited an elementary school which was a nice change from the high school setting. The kids were so cute and helpful. I shared information about myself and my country and they showed me how to paint flowers in the traditional Japanese style (the picture is not my artwork).

I went to Kobe to visit one of my supervising teachers from student teaching who was in Japan on a delegation from St. Paul to Nagasaki (sister cities). It was awesome to see her and meet her friend. Her friend was very generous and treated us to a night stay in hotel with an onsen (hot springs) and a huge traditional Japanese full course meal. We were stuffed and had a relaxing time.

Our prefecture had our Midyear Conference. It was two exhausting days but packed with good information. Five of the teachers that I collaborate with attended so I think that it opened up communication between us. I also led a workshop. It was very hot in the room so it was difficult to present but all-in-all I think it went well.

Last week, it snowed for the first time. Supposedly it is rare to snow here this early...since then it has hailed twice and rained all week. Maybe it won't snow again for awhile but the snow on top of the mountains is pretty from afar. Up close...well let's just say it is difficult to bike in the snow. They don't plow the streets here...instead they have sprinklers in the streets that squirt out water to melt the snow.

This past Friday night...we went out for pizza. We got the terikyaki chicken pizza which had chicken, artichokes, corn and some other toppings I forgot. There were some interesting pizzas on the menu...some with squid and octopus...things that I don't know if I will try...

School is going fine but I have been sick this week which sucks. They have decided to turn on the heaters a week early since it has gotten colder earlier than usual. This means the classrooms and teachers rooms are warm but the hallways are as cold as it is outside. It is hard to constantly adjust to the temperature changes. And the heaters smelled heavily of gas...so you open the windows but the smell made me get a headache.

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