Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The World for Obama

So yesterday I wore my Obama shirt (that I bought when I went to Obama, Fukui, Japan). Even though I had already put in my vote (via absentee ballot) and even though Japanese people here can't vote I just wanted to raise awareness of the US Election. It turns out another ALT was wearing the same shirt. Then I aired it out and wore it to school today. I have only gotten positive reactions.

Today I only had one class so I watched about 2 1/2 hour of videos on CNN. It was interesting and very inspirational...especially all the videos of first time voters. I almost wished that I could have waited in line for hours to be a part of it all (I have always voted absentee). I also watched many videos about people's reactions and opinions from around the world and how important this election is to many people around the world. I was keeping close tabs on the"History as it happens" section on the CNN website where they post the state by state results and was worried about being overly confident. I went to lunch and talked with a student about the election. They said they liked Obama and I asked why. They said, "black, white...he is fair" and "I like his thinking". I said, "me too".

One thing I got annoyed with was that in almost every article in the newspaper I read here it mentioned that Obama will be the first black president. I was always thinking, well duh can we just get to the issues? But now I realize how significant it really is, how far our country has come. And I can relate to him as a biracial person and realize how he can bring people together regardless of factors such as race.

Today after I came back from lunch some new results were posted (on the West Coast) and now Obama has 306 electoral votes, 36 more than he needs to win the Presidential election. I am trying to hold back tears. I am so proud of our country, proud at this moment to be an American. Before I came to Japan I always hesitated to call myself an American. Now that I have been here awhile people always ask what country I am from so I say America (that is what they call it here) or the US and so I have accepted the label of American. But today I can actually say I am proud to be an American... we are looking towards change in the US, we are hopeful. Voter turnouts broke records this election. It is so exciting. And can I just say that Lucas County voted 70% Obama and 29% McCain...so great job to all the organizers out in Toledo!

1 comment:

propa said...

A friend of mine brought up a good point yesterday. Back in grade school when we were learning about Martin Luther King, and the civil rights movement and everything, it seemed like all of that took place so long ago. But really that was only 45 years ago. Had he lived Martin Luther King would likely have been present for this election. It is a great shame that something that historical could not be seen by someone at the forefront of the movement which brought us this far.
But we are here and I hope that all those who brought this day to pass can be remembered.