Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring is Coming

Last week we received a response (letter) from our grandmother. My friend helped me translate the letter. My grandmother recalled her memories of us from the past (14+ years ago), told us that my dad has not contacted us in years and that she would like to meet us. I was very surprised to receive the letter as I didn't expect one.

I asked my mom to call my grandmother since my Japanese is not at the conversational level. They will arrange a time for us to meet. We will go to Takamatsu in Shikoku (southern island in Japan) to meet her when Maya comes in April. They are working out the logistics and my mom is even trying to come. It sure is going to be an emotional journey these next few weeks and after.

My grandmother called me...but I didn't understand most of what she was saying so I just kept saying "Gomennasai" (I'm sorry) and "Wakarimasen" (I don't understand). I did mention to her that I am very happy. It is interesting that I can't even communicate with my own family by myself.

One of my goals in coming to Japan was to find my father but now that I know that he has not had contact with his own mother and he did not go to his brother's wedding (my grandmother told my mom that) I know that he does not want to be found. Do I really want to meet someone who doesn't want to meet me? On the other hand, my grandmother has welcomed us with open arms and it will be interesting to learn things from her (about her life, family history, etc.)... through a translator, of course. Even though I most likely won't meet my dad I will be happy that I tried and at least have some answers.

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