Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

Why have I gotten so lazy (since I was 10 years old) that I can't even pick up a pencil and write in a diary? Maybe for fear of my hand cramping up. Anyways, a blog is just as good for now. I keep forgetting to sign on here periodically to post about my life happenings. Whether any one reads them or not, it is a good way to reflect and keep track of my life.

Lots of thoughts go through my mind these days...about the upcoming wedding, education, friendships, consumerism, healthy living, etc. These random endless thoughts are inspired by my talks with the teacher who drives me to school every day, friends, fiance, free time, and family.

Wedding - Most people have just one...but we wanted to incorporate both Rachid's and my culture and religion so we'll have two - one in a mosque and one in a church. I really like to plan events and get people together so planning a wedding is in some ways fun. I do realize that I am an indecisive person so on the other hand, all of the decisions are a little stressful - something a friend calls "decision fatigue". I don't have wet feet or whatever the expression is because this transition feel good and natural. I know that Rachid and I work well together and have life goals that mesh and that we will support each other and build our family. I am getting excited, but do feel pressured from all the logistical aspects of marriage - like the paperwork and stuff. So I guess I have a love hate relationship with wedding planning.

Education - I am learning a lot about education and the district I work in from being "on the inside". There are a lot of great things happening like collaboration, differentiated instruction, one-on-one support but a lot of things that worry me about the politics of schools. I think kids are getting left behind in all the decisions that are made and then what is the point of schools? This is a good year to "figure out what I want to do in life". I realize I could never been a sub or classroom teacher. What makes me happy? Japanese club because teaching something meaningful like cross cultural exchange - what could be better? I also really enjoy working one-on-one with students. So hopefully I can find something that inspires me and not get down because of the politics in schools this year.

Friendships - Friendships grow and friendships change. I am greatful for the friendships I have. Some friends I thought would be there forever aren't, but I appreciate all the good times we had and all they taught me...and hope I helped them in some way. And some friends I didn't know before are people that I hope to maintain our friendship forever. They support me and I hope I do the same for them. I like a lot of overused sayings, especially this one paraphrased, "Friends - are there for a reason, a season or a lifetime." And I'm trying to be at peace and know that it is ok that friendships change and grow.

Consumerism - I joked the other day that I am boycotting Christmas. What that meant is I am broke from working in a stipend service position and I feel that I have everything that I need. I have enough stuff. Of course I want things. But I don't need them. I don't like clutter and adding more things will make our apartment that way. But one friend reminded me of the importance of gift giving and I do see the value in that. But on the other hand, I do get sick of the consumerism in this country, especially around holiday seasons. It was the same in Japan. So this year...I am not stressed about buying gifts. I will buy things if they remind me of people.

Healthy living - I really don't feel like I am in shape. In Japan, it was so easy to ride a bike everywhere and make exercise part of every day living. Here, in the Minnesota cold that is I need to incorporate some kind of regular movement into my life. I feel kind of lethargic some days. An exhaustion sets after school. I think I have been eating pretty healthfully but realize that sometimes I eat too much so my goal is to eat until I'm still not full (with the exception of holidays, sorry). Healthy living is also taking time to take care of the world we live in. I try to do my small part, but know I could do more. Also, part of what I think healthy living is taking time to reflect...and I don't think I've been doing much of that...

INSPIRATION - This was a craft project at a recent girls night. I felt very inspired to take time to reflect and create.

1 comment:

kay jay said...

Hey Irene!

Glad you are blogging some of your thoughts through the process. Its the journey not the destination, right? Good luck in finding that balance. We need to be more serious about our women's circle and getting together to inspire and be inspired.

Thanks for being so wonderful!