Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Real Life Isn't About What's Next"

"Real Life Isn't About What's Next"
One of my friends got me thinking. My friends tend to do that.

I was mentioning how crazy it is that we have been out of college for 2 years already. She said she spoke to some recent graduates and gave them some advice. She told them to get rid of their college mentality and that "real life isn't about what's next". That really spoke to me. Ever since grade school we have thought about what is next...what is after the test, after graduation. But now, we are in that time. Yes, it is good to look and plan ahead but what is the point if we are not living in the present moment? (my thoughts are going back to Buddhism class)

Yuki left last week. After taking him to the airport, I got back to my apartment (all alone) and it (the loneliness and exhaustion of traveling on the slow trains) hit me and I burst into tears. Tears of sadness cuz he's gone...but also tears of happiness for this incredible opportunity to get to know my brother again (after being away at Olaf/MN for 5 years).

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